This was not so for Henry. Apparently he hasn't listened to the differences in their squealing and squeaking. And it kept him up until about 3. Someone would squeal, he would check. Someone would squeak, he would check.Finally there was silence from about 3 to 5 when he had to get up for work. When I talked to him this morning his comment was that caring for the puppies through the night was more stressful than caring for Drew when he was a baby. I suppose there wasn't the possibility that someone was going to step on or roll on Drew :-)
Quick lowdown on what has happened today:
Everyone got a bath this am when I got home. One teeny tiny flea on Quick :-(
Bedding changed out completely
The boys are "walking". There is daylight under their bellies today. I tried to not so successfully get it on video. The daylight is fleeting.
Pixie went for a run this afternoon. She was much more settled afterward. She seems to think there should be something to compensate for me being gone all night.
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Comfy Nimble? |
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This pillow was just right! |